How the customer experience got us featured on Springwise and PSFK
/Customers are not loyal to a name/label/logo. They are loyal to what that brand stands for. And sometimes multiple brands stand for a similar sentiment. At Antics we launched a campaign with bringing together eight authentic and passionate coffee makers that focussed on the craftmanship behind their coffee.
A fun project for us and a great project for the customer. The eight cafe's have different styles and manner of execution but they all put their customer first. It is great working with them.
For more information do check out Be Disloyal on Facebook.
Be Disloyal has great fans. Amazing and vocal fans that are incredibly supportive. It is thanks to these fans that we get picked up in the media.
After many online and offline mentions in the media we have just been featured on springwise. Not only have we been featured but within one day of posting it is the most popular post of the week! It even beats the second post by more than twice as many shares.
Springwise is a great place for a fresh dose of entrepreneurial ideas. We definitely suggest that you check it out and sign up for their newsletter.
We are very proud and very thankful to all the supporters and fans of Be Disloyal with whom this would have never happened. Thanks again!
16 December 2011 - Update:
And now also featured on PSFK!