And they still don't get it - Online Ad Spend to Double to $50B in 2015

analyst firm eMarketer is predicting double-digit growth through 2015. Spending on online ads will hit $50 billion that year — that’s almost double last year’s spending figure.

The prediction, published Tuesday, comes a month after eMarketer nearly doubled its estimated increase for online ad revenues for 2011 to 20.2%, thanks to a surge in display advertising. U.S. online ad spending hit $26 billion in 2010. The new report assumes a continued growth in search advertising, but also in banner ads from large sites like Yahoo, Google and Facebook.

Video will continue to be the fastest-growing format in online advertising, according to eMarketer. Spending for video ads hit $1.42 billion in 2010, but will reach $7.11 billion in 2015. That’s because video “generates greater audience attention than other digital ad formats,” says David Hallerman, eMarketer’s principal analyst.

Online ad spend is increasing. Great.

It is predicted to grow in the following areas:

1. Search advertising
2. Banner ads
3. Video ads

That's too bad. The power of digital is the ability to engage consumer and increase share of mind through an interactive experience. Not just visually communicating the big idea.

Digital had the power to BE that big idea.

Instead of spending into non engaging display ads allocate budget to self standing digital projects, not just an extension media buy.

The future of digital marketing is not coding offline content into online formats.

The future of (digital) agencies is being a collection of entrepreneurs. Sitting side by side with brands to solve their marketing challenges with new models and engaging ideas. Not pasting the tvc and poster on youtube or banner ad.

It's not about communicating the idea, it's building an experiential idea that communicates.