How the internet is changing story telling, and how this should change brand/consumer relationship

Every new medium has given rise to a new form of narrative.
Story telling is a powerful tool in anyones arsenal. Sales people use it to get clients emotionally engaged in the product, advertising uses it to change consumer behavior…

Every new medium has given rise to a new form of narrative.

Story telling is a powerful tool in anyones arsenal. Sales people use it to get clients emotionally engaged in the product, advertising uses it to change consumer behavior, and parents use it to put children to sleep (imagine such a powerful tool). Story telling has been around since the beginning of man kind when we were drawing how to's of the hunt.

The last few years has seen a revival of story telling. People in marketing who talk about the importance of a narrative. But this has been around for so long, why suddenly the interest.

The rise of the internet has given the narrative a new medium. Consumers haven't seen such a shift since the rise of TV, and marketeers need to catch up.

The internet is interactive, immersive, and a hot bed for co-creation. Yet where are the great online customer experiences tied in with the brand story? I can count the notable ones on one hand.

Ex1: Old Spice Guy
Ex2: Huggies Social Bus
Ex3: Levi's after dark

In order of immersion, these brands are leading the storm into the interactive story. From the responsive Old Spice Guy singling out consumers, speaking to them one to one. To the Huggies campaign which highlights parents proud of their babies. To the Levi's after dark campaign which put the narrative in the hands of the consumer, successfully letting their brand ambassadors integrate the brand into a real life game.

The new future will see brands focusing on true dialog with their customers and expanding this relationship. The future where the advertising of brands is useful to the consumer, ensuring brand utility. A future where the customer experience is central to every undertaking by the brand, including its traditionally linear advertising.