Sweden's twitter account talks Marijuana, Labia and more. It's awesome.

​People have character. They have flaws, they make mistakes, they're funny, they're sad. And that's why we are drawn to eachother, the personal narrative we all have attracts us to eachother. Brands often try to hide their charater, instead portraying their own version of perfect. The image that they think will bring customers but instead makes for a bland mush of brand greyness. It's gross.

Sweden is putting it's labia (apparantly a Swedish expression, proof here) on the table and baring all. It gives a select group of Swedes control over it's twitter account, with all the mistakes that come with it. Talk about a daring digital media play.

After a few gaff's which included misspelling Finnish and speak of some very private activities it's becoming clear that Sweden is going all in with this one. They're putting themselves out there and that's great. I wish more countries and brands would do that.

Nice one Sweden and agency Volontaire.

Facebook app that blackmails you to be more productive

Aherk! threatens to publish embarrassing photos to users’ Facebook profiles, in order to encourage them to complete tasks within a deadline.


This app is simple:

  • The user defines a goal 
  • The user uploads a compromising picture 
  • The users friends decides if the user reached the timebound goal - if not, the picture get's posted

I'm a big fan of social pressure to achieve goals. My biggest concern here, wouldn't friends indicate that the user did not achieve their goal...even if the user did...just to embarrass their friends. That's what friends do.

What do you think?

President vs Congress. An awkward dialogue.

I'm a big fan of President Obama and his team communicating directly with the American people. It breathes true democracy, transparancy and getting everyone (that wants to be) involved. But more and more the white house is sending out emails asking …

I'm a big fan of President Obama and his team communicating directly with the American people. It breathes true democracy, transparancy and getting everyone (that wants to be) involved. But more and more the white house is sending out emails asking the people to put pressure on Congress. 

I get that that needs to be done to get things moving along. But isn't that a sign of a broken system. It seems to be a lot of effort for a president to lobby the American people to go back to congress and lobby them to get decisions pushed through. That sentence alone 

I'm not American and have a complete outside perspective. What do you Americans think?

Consumer Trust In Traditional Media Ads Fall, While Confidence In Mobile, Social And Online Rise (Via @nielsen)

People don't trust mobile display/text ads. Is this because we're not creating good ones?

A TV ad is far away, it's content pushing, it's mass, I can forgive an ad made for the masses. My mobile is an extension of me. It's personal. If you talk to me through a mobile ad then talk to ME, not to the masses.

Are you using personal mobile add space to talk to everyone? Time to rethink that proposition.